by Aren Henry | January, 2022 | Clarity is . . ., Grit/Grace/Gratitude, Karen Henry, Light Life, Noetic Nomad
The Light Life is going to focus on the science of holistic healing for 2022. I am a firm believer in energy work. It is both scientifically backed and quantifiably verified. So why then, do so many people in the psychology industry, rebuke the effectiveness of the power of our ability to energetically heal? Our cognitive ability to consciously manifest our lives is a cornerstone in CBT and ACT. The whole person approach to living our lives leaning toward the positive, involves an ability to believe in ourselves. To trust ourselves to recalibrate our internal pattern of thinking. It’s not magic. It’s alchemy. Light Life By focusing on our positive thoughts, actions and feelings in tandem with beliefs, we are able to cultivate a space of healing that allows us to engage in a more balanced, happier, healthier life. So why then, isn’t everyone living in this positive energy field of active love of life? One that would render the need for helping or healing professionals? We are thrown off by the energy of others in that, some of us are strongly influenced by the singular need to be in power. Others still are unsure of their own emotions so they rely on the emotional influence of others. And then, there are some who mimic the formula of success, so that they too, can become successful, regardless of their own influence on others. Holistic Healing Speaks volumes I’ve seen very successful people promote positivity, yet, when speaking to them, they come off as greedy, selfish, and rude. Their energy doesn’t lie, even if they are engaged in a high...
by Aren Henry | January, 2022 | Clarity is . . ., Grit/Grace/Gratitude, Karen Henry, Light Life, Noetic Nomad, Uncategorized
This journey into our 2022, the light life is curious. But I’m also wary, which makes for an eclectic mix of questions at this juncture in the journey through our positive psychology. The parts of ourselves that were rattled with grief, remain pain points for us to focus our healing. The unconscious became conscious on several fronts, throughout our journey. Everything about our language, our worldview and even our friendships shifted and changed. Those of us who live in the United States have also realized how very divided many of us are about our fundamental belief systems, and/or systemic ideals on what the world should look like. Be curious Curiosity about the thoughts or actions of others seems to be a solution. Curiosity about why people got away with despicable things, while also boasting about being above all others. Curiosity about our core sense of self in relation to others became more defined. ‘Why’ is a question I found myself asking, time and time again. A character on the TV show, Gray’s Anatomy had a line that I personally, felt aligned with as I defined my purpose here. “I lost myself for a long time.” Christina said, as she awoke from a pattern of wholeness that felt inauthentic. So many of us woke up to want more for ourselves. We realized how much of our decision making was based on settling just to fit in, or, nesting under the wing of the more powerful, just to survive the collective way we now work, as we nested during this pandemic. Ted Lasso (another TV show award winner), had a great speech...
by Aren Henry | December, 2021 | Clarity is . . ., Grit/Grace/Gratitude, Karen Henry, Light Life, Noetic Nomad
Rhianna has a song that reminds us all to, “Shine bright like a diamond in the sky …” encouraging her listeners to be the glow up of their own choosing. All the challenges in the world can’t take your light from you, but they sure do try from time to time. 2021 reminded us of the darkness we all experience, some more than others. It was a tester year for millions of people around the globe. It was one of those years that gave us challenges, upstarts, grief, sadness, and in some cases, trauma. Some people experienced post traumatic growth, and positive affirmations, but not all. The song of our choosing When we put together our year end playlists, we think about the whole of our lives in review. The positives and the negatives. We say goodbye to those who have left us and hello to new ideas, or adventures we wish to take in the new year. We reflect on where we are, and where we wish to go. Who we have in our lives that ignites our passion for living our best life is intertwined with those who hold us back. We are human after all. Complete with flaws to compliment our successes, there is nobody on earth who is purely good fortune all the time. If that were true, this field of psychology would not exist. Diamond or Star particles? We know now that we’re all part of the star particles that emanated from the very formation of our planet all those billions of years ago. When we’re faced with the challenging years, we can always...
by Pinky Jangra | December, 2021 | Pinky Jangra, self-development, Uncategorized
The caterpillar Eat, sleep, repeat. You are what you are. You don’t even slightly resemble a butterfly. You are wonderful and unique in your own right, you are life, but you’re only ever going to crawl around on the ground. The human as a caterpillar is the human that is yet to awaken and evolve. There’s nothing wrong with this stage, it is essential. But it’s only the start. The caterpillar stage can be encompassed in Carl Jung’s statement that we spend the first half of our lives developing a healthy ego. What is ego? It’s your identity. It’s who you think you are based on your childhood experiences. Your personality, the way you think the world works, how you relate to others, your belief systems. It’s limited, it’s structured, it’s fixed, it’s repetitive. You may grow a little within the bounds of your ego, but you do not drastically change or transform. You just become a bigger caterpillar. Here’s an example of my caterpillar stage: – I am what I achieve – I must work hard and prove myself – I fear rejection and abandonment – My success is based on material gain – I must get approval and validation from others – I must please others and meet their expectations – I am limited, life is limited, life is a struggle – I must hide emotions like anger or sadness and tears This is a tiny snippet of my caterpillar world. Whilst I spent years building my self-awareness and reflecting, you can learn so much about yourself just by asking a few introspective questions, observing...
by Aren Henry | December, 2021 | Clarity is . . ., Grit/Grace/Gratitude, Karen Henry, Light Life, Noetic Nomad
The light life energizes us to be open to living our best life. But, that’s not the only way to be. Have you ever felt like you don’t have any energy left? 2021 drained a lot of people of a lot of energy. We were tested with healing on multiple levels this year. December is the end of a lightning-speed journey of living this year. At least, that’s the way it felt to me. How did you do? We lost people. All of us did. In my pet world, a lot of us also lost our dogs this year. Maybe I’m more aware of it because my own 16 year old buddy passed away not that long ago. A long battle with a terminal illness. Death Energy was on my mind this year. I felt his energy leaving him long before he actually died in my arms. The moment he did, I also felt his energy (soul) leaving his body. I felt his spirit set free. In that moment of his last breath, I felt relief that he wasn’t suffering in tandem with profound sadness that my one and only constant companion during this pandemic was now gone. We are not all sunshine or bright, incandescent lights of love all the time. We can’t possibly be balanced, happy, healthy humans without also experiencing grief, suffering and sadness. The balance between the dark and the light is the key to the art of living. We will have wonderful upsides that lean toward joy. Surrounding ourselves with people who will support us no matter what we experience is also a pillar...
by Aren Henry | November, 2021 | Clarity is . . ., Grit/Grace/Gratitude, Karen Henry, Light Life, Noetic Nomad
In our work, we must not forget to honor the shadows. Life is not always full of light and love, nor is it full of shadows or darkness. The balance sways in one direction or another over the course of our lifetime. On any given day, we could be weathering a storm that rages all around us, yet we feel a kindred spirit to it. We feel a solid grounding in our own personal ability to bounce back from anything. Our needs are met, our social status has a solid foundational sense of belonging, giving us confidence in who we are. Shadow side There are some people in our world who want the light, as much as the next person, yet hardship plagues us. We don’t seem to align with all the positives being shared with the world from our esteemed colleagues in our industry. We see the shadow side of the industry itself. We are different somehow in the life events that shadow our lives, compared to those blessed with abundance, wealth, strong relationships, educational connections and social ties that launch our careers easily into the land of plenty. We have never felt the pain of crisis that knocks us back as waves of grief or despair interferes with our joy. One’s resilience can only take so much before we have to hit the reset button. Today’s work in vulnerability gives the world permission to feel our more painful emotions. All emotions are valid, real and important. To ignore them would be an injustice that is out of touch with reality. Nature and Nurture play their part...