Janette Kirk-Willis

Janette is a Positive Psychology Coach who specialises in Resilience. Having spent 30 years coaching people through change in the corporate world she now spends her time coaching and consulting with individuals, teams and organisation. She has a person-centred, calm, non-judgemental and wholly supportive approach.

Janette has a particular interest in resilience and change; menopausal support, managing physiology and self-compassion. She loves working one to one with individuals to help them to move closer to flourishing.

Janette was recently a wellbeing panel member at the ‘Women of the World’ festival and ran the South West’s first Menopause Café. She is a ‘Fellow’ of CIPD, has a Master’s degree in Strategic HR and a Post Grad in Positive Psychology and Coaching. She is a Master practitioner of RQi, a resilience psychometric developed at the University of Westminster.

Janette’s Blog

Managing Boundaries at Christmas

Managing Boundaries at Christmas

Guess what? Disney Christmas only exists in films. If that’s a blinding glimpse of the obvious to you then you need to read no further but for those of us who struggle every year with the concept of what we’d really like to do and what we feel obliged to do, read on...

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