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In drawing this card, you are invited to explore the extent of your courage. More to the point, if you were to be the most courageous that you have ever been – how would your life change? What difference would being more courageous make?
The photograph associated with these words, was a moment on a great fjord in Norway when, from behind the clouds, the Aurora Borealis suddenly appeared. As a photographer I love to capture the Lights most when the clouds begin to part. Somehow, the presence of the clouds, make the Lights even more remarkable – maybe we need to know both the Light and the Dark within our lives to make meaning of either or both? What I believe I am drawn towards as a photographer, as in my life, are moments such as these caught on film – moments of revelation.
Have you had moments of revelation in your life?
If so, when?
Describe what suddenly emerged into your awareness in these moments?
What came to you in these moments of revelation?
Take what time you need to consider and respond…
These moments of surprise, where we suddenly realise something new – that appears to come out of the blue and from beyond and behind our everyday thinking – are like an unveiling that has meaning and value – whereby we discover a deeper wisdom beyond and behind whatever we may have thought.
What likely limit us in our lives is fear. Take a moment to validate this for yourself.
When you consider what you fear – what happens to you?
What’s your experience of fear and how does it impact you in your life and work?
Take whatever time you need to respond…
In fearing, we separate ourselves. Not unlike the photograph, we experience being a part somehow separated from the whole story. But what if fear was not alone but had a best friend, such that when you face into what you fear, you begin to recognise your courage.
Take some moments if you are willing to look at what you fear?
To describe, accept and own.
Notice what happens when you do.
Does your experience of fearing change? And if so, what more is revealed?
What if the courage we often seek in life is hidden behind our fears and we must first unveil them to harness its full potential and impact in our lives?
Imagine that you discovered the courage that you have sought in life – right here right now – how would your courage influence and guide you? What more would courage offer you? What would you do differently? And realise?
May you face into your fears and discover where courage may be waiting for you.
May you harness your courage permitting the experience of what you may have denied.
May you enable others to discover and help realise their courage and to live more fulfilling lives.