It has been said that the eyes are the window to the soul. I believe that. When I look into someone’s eyes, I can sometimes feel their soul and I can sense how they are feeling. I am not claiming to be a psychic or a mind reader. I believe that the eyes send messages of the moods we are in. And, I believe that we, as compassionate humans, have the ability to sense someone else’s emotions without a word ever being said.

Eyes can make you smile

My husband gave me the idea for this blog post. I love how excited he was when he was suggesting this idea for the post. You should have seen the excitement in his eyes as he was telling me this. He said, “You know how when you make eye contact with someone and it can make you smile?” Well, you should write about how, even when we are wrapped up in warm weather gear and the only thing that can be seen is ours eyes, you can still say, “Hello” to people…through your eyes. (Then he added a side note: I don’t wear my glasses when I’m bundled up like that…because they’ll fog up.) Even when someone you pass on the street is bundled up and all that you can see of them is their eyes, you can still make a connection with them.”

As he was saying this, I started to smile then he smiled and said, “See! This makes you smile! See! And I can tell from your eyes that you’re smiling.”


As he was telling me this and getting excited about it, his eyes were smiling as they filled up with a few emotional, gratitude tears.
Even if you’re in this tundra we call Chicagoland*, you’re covered from head-to-toe, and you look like a wooly mammoth, you can still make a connection with someone. (*No joke…the suburbs of Chicago are known as “Chicagoland.” And, no it is not an amusement park…definitely not with this weather we have had the past couple of days: -22 degrees F (And, that’s not with the wind chill!)

No matter where you are in the world, no matter what language you speak, or what the weather is, smiling is a universal language…A language of connection, feeling, and humanity.

I am sure that when you smile at someone else, you will feel good. And, when you smile at them, I am quite certain you will be making their day just a little bit brighter.

About the author: To find out more about Julie Ostrow, please click here.

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