Wouldn’t it be nice to feel like you are living life through flow? How great would it be if things just fell into place, with minimal effort on your part? Imagine the peace, the joy, the gratitude of a life like this. Let yourself imagine it for a moment. Let yourself seep into that feeling of grace, ease and flow.
And now, look at your current life…
Is it flowing? It is full of ease and grace? For many of us, the answer will be ‘no’.
Many of us are pushing, forcing and trying really hard which can lead to frustration, resentment, exhaustion and more. But, it needn’t be this way. You can create more ease and flow in your life. I speak from experience and, I’d like to share some tips with you.
The first thing is to recognise if you are living through force, rather than flow.
Are you forcing life?
See if any of these are true for you:
- You feel a lot of stress and heaviness in life
- You often feel like you are ‘pushing against’ something
- You feel overwhelmed by external situations, people and things
- You feel controlled by external situations, people and things
- You feel powerless in your own life
- You are exhausted
- You are frequently trying really hard
- You become resentful and unhappy
- You may feel like a victim
- You may get angry when things aren’t going your way
- It takes a lot of effort to achieve what you want
- When you get what you want, you often lose it again
If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these, you are likely living in a state of force.
Know that you’re not doing anything ‘wrong’. You’re just doing what most humans do, which is, believing that you must push the physical world around until it takes the shape you prefer.
You believe that life is something that happens to you, and you’ve just got to do your best with it.
To have more flow in our lives we need to adopt a new premise which is:
Life happens through you
Not to you, but through you. Life happens through you. Sit with that for a minute, and see if you can really connect with the meaning of that statement.
Take nature for example. See how it blooms rather effortlessly. It’s not that nature has no challenges, but this planet has flourished successfully for billions of years. The trees continue to grow, the animals run around, new babies are born, the waters flow, the sun shines and the rain pours… this is life, and it’s happening with great ease and flow.
What is causing this to happen? Whilst I can’t know the answer for sure, I sense there is something there… I could call God, life force, consciousness or spirit… there is some kind of energy flowing through all that lives. And that includes you. For you too, a part of the natural world.
So, you too can harness this life force and experience the ease and flow that it brings to the birds and the seas, the animals and the trees. It’s there for you too.
Here’s how to tap into it and bring more ease and flow into your life:
1. Relax
I know this one is hard, especially if like me, you’ve lived a lifetime of ‘trying’. To live a life of flow, you don’t ‘try’, you don’t push. You let go. This doesn’t mean you do nothing, it’s not about being lazy. To learn more about this tip, you can read my other blog called ‘Relaxing Your Way To Success’
When we’re relaxing, we’re not resisting. We’re letting the river flow, rather than building dams in its path. We’re letting the cork float on the surface of the water, rather than holding it underneath. When we stop resisting and blocking, we release the natural flow of life that runs through every fibre of our being.
2. Follow your heart and soul
Most of us live through our heads. Through our beliefs, our conditioning, our fears. Any time you live from this place you will be limited and find yourself forcing things.
Flow comes from the heart, from your spirit, from your deepest life force. So, get out of your head and into your heart.
What do you love, what makes your soul sing, what feels true for you? What is your intuition guiding you towards? When you get in touch with this and follow it, things begin to flow because you are living in tune with your true nature instead of pushing against it.
3. Receive
The old myth of ‘it’s too good to be true’ can have us rejecting ease and flow. We turn down effortless manifestations and wonders in our life because we can’t receive them.
Can that person really be that amazing? Is that job really so great? Did I really win that prize? Can I really earn that much? Yes, yes and YES! Don’t shy away from these things – open your hands and receive. Stay present, aware and in innocence, not in judgement and cynicism. Life is not too good to be true, it’s both good and true!
The more you allow wonderful things to flow into your life and receive them with grace and gratitude, the more will come because you’ve opened the floodgates.
Flow goes both ways – from you, out into the world and, from the world back to you. To keep that energy moving, don’t ‘return to sender’ on your gifts!
4. Be patient
Life happens according to its own timing, not to my timing, your timing or, the timing that your parents, friends and society approve of.
When we want things to happen exactly when we want them to, we go into a state of force. This blocks our flow and actually pushes things away, making them take even longer to reach us!
Stop trying to control when things happen, just work diligently towards them and leave the rest to diving timing. Stay present and as per step 3, when it comes, receive.
Can you be in flow 100% of the time?
As with all my teachings, I teach from my experience. And based on that, my answer is no.
There will always be times when we fall back into our old ways of force. Our fears, limitations and conditioned behaviours will always be there, and we will play them out.
So, it’s not about being 100% in flow, it’s about knowing when you are in force, and pivoting to flow. Recognise the force, pivot to flow, recognise the force, pivot to flow – rinse and repeat, over and over. That’s how it works for me.
After doing this for a while, the momentum does shift and you’ll spend more of your life in flow than in force. And that’s when magic really starts to happen. I’d love for you to experience this. But unfortunately, I can’t make it happen for you. You must choose. Choose to relax, to follow your heart and soul, to receive and be patient. Choose to let life happen through you, not to you. Choose to be in flow. And as always, let me know how it goes!
Read more about Pinky Jangra and her other articles HERE
‘We Are The Positive Psychology People’
Good morning sorry but I still do not understand the ‘forcing’ part that to me means working on ‘making’ my life better?
Could you explain this thinking more simply for me?
Kind regards